In episode 54 of Half True History, Dan Parrella tells Pedro Lima (and Chris Crespo) about one of the funniest empires in history, the Safavid Empire! Find out about the Curly Joe of Middle Eastern empires and how they started with a lie and ended like a fart in the wind. Enjoy!
Scotch and GOOD Conversation – #261 – Ken Springfellow
ken springfellow – the posies, r.e.m., big star & more #261
KEN SPRINGFELLOW calls in from france…
here’s just some of what we covered:
there will be no more “normal circumstances”, ever
“there’s usually a wilco or two”
having more accounting jobs than paul schaefferContinue Reading …
The M.E.A.T. Limit – #100 – We Made it, You Didn’t
This week the gang celebrate a milestone, the 100th Episode, Leon host another game against Scarlet’s wishes, Scarlet does not have notes but is ready for the second half, Matt lands a huge star to talk to….. its Vin Diesel, our biggest get yet. Thank you for being listeners of the show!!!!! Enjoy the show as much as we enjoy recording it!!!!!
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The Simon Trivia Show – #152 – ‘Merica, Money & Freedom
In episode 152 of The Simon Time Trivia Show, Simon gives three rounds of all over the map trivia, touching on all sorts of topics, subjects and genres, as Jen and Chris try their best against the trivia onslaught!
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