Poking the Bear – Pastamania

By Chris
By Chris
hello please in this episode Lady Raptastic talks about speaking Spanish in America, Mexican terrorists, public baths for the homeless, wearing high heels in a pet store, the squat doctor, her cat named Persnickety, and more!
By Chris
In episode 40 of The Simon Time Trivia Show, Simon kicks off round 2 of the Tournament of Champions with returning winners Dan, Drew and Cheryl! This episode brought to you by Devaney’s Pub!
By Chris
In episode 280, Chris Crespo and Drewster Cogburn are joined by Jesse Wolfe from O’Dang Hummus!
The Streaming Pick of the Week is Milk on Netflix!
Chris and Drew review Deadpool 2!
The Vox Populi includes a review of Deadpool 2.
Dr. Drew gives his two cents on NOT seeing Solo: A Star Wars Story.
Billy D brings Death to the Movies with Dude Bro Party Massacre 3, Pulp: A Film About Life Death and Supermarkets, and Dredd 3D.
The Crespodisco features a song by Volume Zero, another awesome Get Rad Records artist!