The Major Scale – Jon Lampley & Answers

By Chris
By Chris
In episode 122 of The Simon Time Trivia Show, Simon welcomes first time guest and son of the 2018 Tournament of Champion winner Paul The Scandalous Enchilada, Jake Enchilada from the Jake’s Old and New Movie podcast! Jake goes up against Chris and Jen in three rounds of movie trivia, and this one is super close all the way until its not, listen to find out how that goes down!
By Chris
In episode 370, Chris Crespo and Drewster Cogburn do the thing and both review Birds of Prey.
Also discussed: Before They Are Hanged, The Outsider and Avenue Five on HBO, BoJack Horseman, The Take, American Assassin, Don’t Look Now, F9, the best and worst Catwomen, Stephen King adaptations, and much more!
Support the show and remember to damn the man, save the Empire!Continue Reading …
By Chris
This week on The Meat Limit, the gang create a bracket of the greatest Super Bowl commercial of all time, as well as a second bracket of the best commercial from the most recent Super Bowl. Also, Leon is upset with Weather Tec, Scarlet doesn’t interrupt Leon’s Corner FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER, and Matt is worried that Hilary Duff will murder him. Enjoy the show!
Support the show (https://www.patreon.com/themeatlimitpodcast)
By Chris
JEANNINE GAGE form THE UKULALIENS comes by to talk music, life, growing up, growing older & a lot more.
a lot more includes:
the joy of communal music.
something wonderful about being dumb.
cheerleading & sneaking out of high school.
pajamas can be depressing.Continue Reading …
By Chris
For our 100th episode we have a reunion of The Experience, The Filthiest Show On The Internet. Steve and DJ John joing Chico and Darkness to talk about the history of their podcast, twitter porn, The Superbowl, VA Hospitals, Steve Vs ElRoss and much much more!
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