This is one of our guestless episodes where the two of us just chat about various things. We tried a couple of new things on this one, including a new segment as indicated by the episode title.
Tidbits – #70 – The Shih Tzu Review
By Steve Etchie
By Steve Etchie
This is one of our guestless episodes where the two of us just chat about various things. We tried a couple of new things on this one, including a new segment as indicated by the episode title.
By Steve Etchie
By Chris
In game 7 of round 1 of the Simon Time Trivia 2019 Tournament of Champions, Simon and Chris welcome Chantal, Amanda and Joni three rounds of championship level trivia!
By Chris
In episode 354, Chris Crespo and Drewster Cogburn review Zombieland: Double Tap!
Also discussed: El Camino, Watchmen on HBO, Slenderbodies, MOSSS, and much more!
Enjoy the show and damn the man, save the Empire!
Listen to all back episodes of Cinema Crespodiso for FREE at!
By Chris
This week on the Meat Limit, the gang play a game while discussing a list of the top 30 football movies of all time. Also, Leon is here physically (but not mentally), Scarlet is busting stitches, Matt has a thing for Keira Knightley, and Carl Twigenberry is hanging around to tell the gang what they can and cannot say. Enjoy the show!
By Chris
On this episode we put some chick on blast! Yup.
We also talk about Chico running for office and what his plans would be, Ask Darkness about autistic kids with diaper fetishes, can darkness walk around Downtown Orlando with a slave on a leash? Fetishes and much much more!
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