The blurriest man in show business joins us to discuss the Orlando food scene and the world at large. Father’s day Yelp Review Review, and a game for dummies.
Off Cuts – #26 – Follow Faiyez
By Steve Etchie
By Steve Etchie
The blurriest man in show business joins us to discuss the Orlando food scene and the world at large. Father’s day Yelp Review Review, and a game for dummies.
By Chris
TRINA GREGORY-PROPST from two of orlando’s best places to eat, SE7EN BITES & SETTE day drinks with me.
all this & more:
the love language of food.
grocery games & being friends with guy ferrari.Continue Reading …
By Chris
In episode 98 of The Simon Time Trivia Show, Simon gives Chris two separate 16-question rounds on the opening lines of movies and then the closing lines of movies. So see how well you do compared to Chris in this week’s show!
By Chris
In episode 344, Chris Crespo and Steve Etchie are joined by Trey Siwek from The Swervey Jones Show and Cookin’ Up Comedy!
Chris reviews The Kitchen.
Also discussed: Point of No Return, Death Wish 2 and Death Wish 3, Orphan Black, Legion, Final Space, the baseball field in Field of Dreams, the delight that is Keanu Reeves, and more!
By Chris
This week on the Meat Limit, the gang talks about the movies and TV shows of the past that couldn’t be made in today’s society and the shows and movies that still hold up. Also, Matt gets worked up (or “flapped up” as Scarlet puts it) about the concept of I Dream of Genie, Scarlet thinks her nephew loves her the most, and Leon lays off the dick jokes. Enjoy!
By Steve Etchie
This week, Jeanna’s husband Ken set up with with Mike Delancett at Hourglass/Sourglass Brewery in Longwood, he recently did a collab with Garrett at Sideward and the band Baroness, and it’s Hourglass’s 7 year anniversary today! Go check out Hourglass, either location, they’re doing cool stuff and Mike was a lot of fun to talk to.