We have more of Lance from The Caffiends and Rushmore. Also a new segment called Who Bits!
By Steve Etchie
We have more of Lance from The Caffiends and Rushmore. Also a new segment called Who Bits!
By Chris
hello please in episode 21 Lady Raptastic talks about her newest business based out of the home she is renting, which involves extra bedrooms, white women, non waterproof eyeliner, her neighbors homes, and AirBNB.
By Chris
In episode 31 of The Simon Time Trivia Show, Simon welcomes Tommy, Eddie and Ashley from the podcast 2nd Rounds On Us, and he takes them through three rounds of nerd heavy trivia to see who on the show will reign supreme as the comic book trivia master of the group. Enjoy!
By Chris
In episode 270, Chris Crespo and Drewster Cogburn are joined by returning guest from Scotch & Good Conversation Peter Von Taborsky!
The Streaming Pick of the Week is Silence on Amazon Prime.
Chris and Drew review Thoroughbreds.
The Crespodisco features a song from the soundtrack for Thoroughbreds.
The Vox Populi includes a review of A Wrinkle In Time.
Dr. Drew gives his two cents on playing the Tomb Raider games.
By Chris
TRANSCRIPT: Gyno 1 Contractors submitted a Conditional Use Permit request to allow a drive through for a restaurant as part of the development of a 6-unit, 10,648 sq. ft. retail building across from Lineage Coffee in Mills50 at 1010 and 1022 E Colonial Dr.
The drive thru would be on the east side of the building. On the west side, according to the plans submitted to the City, there will be a covered patio underneath a roof canopy, possibly for outdoor cafe seating. Continue Reading …
By Chris
episode 127 – stealing from record stores, crowd surfing, great compliments, horrible children & being a tourist in your own town – a conversation with jenny de witt
JENNY DE WITT is the TOWNIE TOURIST. she searches her own town (orlando) & her own state (florida) for the best stuff to do & reports them back to you via her podcast TOWNIE TALKS & her website TOWNIETOURIST.COM
in this episode we cover:
florida travel blogging
curling, apparently it’s not a drinking sport
bad back, not moving for three weeks, driving laying down & great ideas
being like david letterman, marc maron, space ghost, oprah
touching david bowie’s stuffContinue Reading …