Billy D’s Post Mortem – Episode 17
By Chris
By Chris
By Chris
professional wrestler, trivia master & podcaster SIMON TIME aka SIMON SEZ day drinks with us.
we cover all this & way more in this episode of SAgC:
making a living out of underwear play fighting
murder stuff & naming kids after tv serial killers
body language & tarot cards
andy kaufman vs. jim carreyContinue Reading …
By Chris
Hey baby!
Thursday late post-Christmas episode. As I am writing this all I can remember is we talked about the Bear Pope and launching bears from trebuchets as an ultimate weapon.
By Chris
hello please in this all new episode Lady Raptastic talks about her new purse, the correct pronunciation of Louis Vuitton, believing in yourself, animal style double doubles, Christmas birdhouses, following your gut, and the debut of a new segment called “Questions.”
Follow Lady Raptastic on Twitter at
Email questions for Lady Raptastic to
By Chris
In episode 12, Dan Parrella breaks down the history of Christmas to Pedro Lima, explaining how Coca-Cola made Santa Claus as we know him, Macy’s versus Gimble’s caused Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer, Krampus, how December 25th was chosen as the day for the holiday, when gifts and trees were introduced as traditions, and much more!
By Chris
In episode 21, Simon Time welcomes back past winners Paul and Steve and first time guest Curtis Earth for a special Christmas edition of The Simon Time Trivia Show!