KYLE EAGLE is a jazz cat. he isn’t acting the part, he’s living it. he’s an old soul in a modern world. KYLE is cool.
in this episode we talk all this & a whole lot more:
bullfighting, spain, the devil & jumping over babiesContinue Reading …
By Chris
KYLE EAGLE is a jazz cat. he isn’t acting the part, he’s living it. he’s an old soul in a modern world. KYLE is cool.
in this episode we talk all this & a whole lot more:
bullfighting, spain, the devil & jumping over babiesContinue Reading …
By Chris
By Chris
In this spillover bonus episode, Chris Crespo and Drewster Cogburn talk about the following:
Harvey Weinstein went out to dinner in a bad disguise.
Cory Feldman met with the LAPD.
House of Cards bosses knew about Kevin Spacey’s behavior, did nothing about it.
Disney looking into buying FOX’s film and tv divisions.
Disney picks a fight with the LA Times.
Thomas Jane reveals some plot deets on The Predator.
Jason Voorhees is an Evil Dead Deadite.
McConaughey does charity.
Man steals car to see movie.
By Steve Etchie
We have the same guests in today’s Tidbits that we had last episode. Amy Drew tells us about the two years that she worked at Play Girl, including celebrities she met while there! Ben is back talking more about his movie Mock ‘n Roll and we talk a little about working together in the past.