Billy D’s Post Mortem – Episode 13
By Chris
By Chris
By Chris
return interview with our good buddy CJ MASK from EPISODE 3
topics include but are in no way limited to:
the fact that james taylor might suck
putting yourself in hard places
good upper body strength
wanting to be jimmy page
freeballingContinue Reading …
By Chris
By Chris
In this spillover bonus episode, Chris Crespo and Drewster Cogburn talk about the following:
Kevin Spacey, Brett Ratner, Dustin Hoffman and more.
Deathstroke movie in the works.
Regal to experiment with “demand pricing.”
Ace Ventura getting relaunched, as well as other movies.
Amityville: The Awakening finally came out in theaters to thunderous silence.
Gwen Paltrow’s Halloween costume.
How much of Solo: A Star Wars Story was reshot by Ron Howard?
MoviePass changed their terms of service so it is not as cool as it was before.