We woke the sleeping bear on this one but due to a time crunch Bowie and Ryan had to start the first 15 minutes without the big guy. He shows up the most seepy I have ever seen a person abut the show as still really fun.
By Chris
By Steve Etchie
This episode we drink Reef Donkey by TBBC and discuss different styles, particularly the dunkel, and the best beer events to support.
By Chris
hello please in episode 32 Lady Raptastic addresses your complaints.
By Chris
In this bonus episode, Chris Crespo and Drewster Coburn talk to first time guest Mark Hazlewood, and he tells us about growing up in North Hollywood as the son of a famous musician and our conversation covers topics like teenaged Rene Russo, living in Sweden, getting a one song concert from Leonard Cohen, cryptocurrency, reincarnation, existing between worlds, the benefits of a raw food diet, and much more! Enjoy the show!