In this SPOILER FILLED bonus episode, Chris Crespo and Drewster Cogburn talk all about IT and they get into all the deets and spoilers so only listen if you’ve already seen the movie OR if you don’t care about the spoilers.
By Chris
In this SPOILER FILLED bonus episode, Chris Crespo and Drewster Cogburn talk all about IT and they get into all the deets and spoilers so only listen if you’ve already seen the movie OR if you don’t care about the spoilers.
By Chris
CHRIS FISHER the host of one of our favorite podcasts, BYOCB comes & drinks some beer with us.
in this episode we cover all this & a lot more:
killing john stamos
not liking eggs, large birds or chewed gum
least favorite santas
boring pregnanciesContinue Reading …
By Chris
In this spillover bonus episode, Chris Crespo and Drewster Cogburn go over all the news stories they missed in the last few days, such as:
Star Wars episode 9 loses its director.
Jurrasic World 2 plot deets released through a box of chicken nuggets.
Jerry Bruckheimer claims Pirates of the Caribbean 5 was a financial success.
Spike Lee making a Spider-Man spin off movie for Sony?
IT 2 plans revealed.
Indy 5 will not include Shia LaBeouf’s Mutt character.
Shazam production deets.
Hellboy reboot plot deets.
By Chris
Hey baby! In this episode:
Tim talks mental health and about how he wants his news anchors well endowed.
Weather controlling devices.
Krispy Cream/Froggy Fresh.
Ryan doesn’t understand Wyoming.
Improv troop vs Connor McGreggor
A new pool party?
And Ryan ruins Sword Art Online for Bowie.