Ken is back! For anyone that has heard him on his show Full Frontal Nerdity, or heard him on the first episode of Tidbits he was on, you know you’re in for a treat.
Tidbits – #61 – Ken Kardatzke
By Steve Etchie
By Steve Etchie
Ken is back! For anyone that has heard him on his show Full Frontal Nerdity, or heard him on the first episode of Tidbits he was on, you know you’re in for a treat.
By Chris
Rock makes his 4th appearance on our show and we talk about professional wrestling, Dick flips, Sara Jay, Weird Al, Motivational speakers, Fear Boners and we set a date for Darkness Goes Down… town: August 24 Downtown Orlando come see hang with us!
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By Chris
EDGARÂ MASONÂ from our sponsor ORLANDO MEATS hangs out.
we talk about this stuff & more:
5 years in meats.
rap stars shouldn’t talk to presidents.
no one really reads coffee table books.
what do you like about yourself?
please don’t rearrange our grocery stores.Continue Reading …
By Steve Etchie
A very special 25th episode extravaganza super show. Looking forward, looking back at 25 episodes and the people that made them. A thoughtful retrospective, best of Orlando flash game, we answer listener questions, and Eliot reads a children’s story.