In episode 301, Chris Crespo and Drewster Cogburn are joined by Steve Etchie and first time guest Ken Kardatzke from the Full Frontal Nerdity Show podcast!
Chris and Drew review First Man and Bad Times at the El Royale.
By Chris
In episode 301, Chris Crespo and Drewster Cogburn are joined by Steve Etchie and first time guest Ken Kardatzke from the Full Frontal Nerdity Show podcast!
Chris and Drew review First Man and Bad Times at the El Royale.
By Chris
podcaster & designer RY PERRY hangs with us. he’s got a lot to say.
this is just some of the stuff we cover:
getting a five dollar discount on cirrhosis of the liver.
lynyrd skynyrd tattoos & biker bars.
christopher gadsden’s snake & podcast logos.
the difference between being zooted & being polluted.
9/11, there’s more than meets the eye.
getting your shit together at a young age.Continue Reading …
By Steve Etchie
We discuss environmental impact of Breweries congratulate, the six Florida breweries that took home medals from the 2018 Great American Beer Fest and drink Guayabera Citra pale ale from Cigar City brewing co.
By Chris
hello please in episode 50 Lady Raptastic talks about getting in a fight with Barbara the Baker and also talks about the grand opening of Jenkins’ Bakery. Haunches up!