We love doing the Major Scale because it’s a great opportunity to work with brilliant artists of today and tomorrow, as well as the some of our heroes from the past. In this episode we get both: Sarathy Korwar and Steve Kuhn.
There’s a renaissance happening in jazz worldwide, and drummer Sarathy Korwar is one of the leading voices in the UK. Within a year he’s offered us two brilliant releases in My East Is Your West and More Arriving. The first, as the title suggests, is an Eastern take on a selection of overlooked Western tunes by the likes of Joe Henderson, Dollar Brand/Abdullah Ibrahim, Don Cherry, plus more. The second will make you stop in your tracks – a song cycle of nu-skool jazz plugged through the outlet of dance electronica and a collection of poets, griots, and MCs from India’s growing music scene. The result is a joyful and socially aware noise.Continue Reading …