hello please in episode 58 of The Lady Raptastic Show the Lady talks about looking at her neighbor’s donkey for relaxation every morning and also to help her cry out her pain and negativity. Plus the lady is excited to go to her friend Tiki’s 42nd birthday party at Golden Corral.
The Lady Raptastic Show – #57 – Dee 1 & Dee 2
hello please in episode 57 of The Lady Raptastic Show the Lady talks about finding a human head in a car seat, Amazon and Jeff Bezos, Instagram ladies, meatless Thanksgiving, setting fire to a butcher ship and being grateful for hooking up with Dee 1 and Dee 2.
The Lady Raptastic Show – #55 – Deliberate & Deliverate
hello please in episode 55 of The Lady Raptastic Show we talk about turtle shell vs tortoise shell, iced coffee vs coffee at home, Latin vs Hispanic, Wendy Williams vs politics and much more! Enjoy!
Poking the Bear – Big Tim Gets There Eventually

We woke the sleeping bear on this one but due to a time crunch Bowie and Ryan had to start the first 15 minutes without the big guy. He shows up the most seepy I have ever seen a person abut the show as still really fun.