Hey baby! Live on Friday episode!
Poking the Bear – Bear Guitar

This one is just all over the place.
Tim almost kills Ryan at one point, so that is fun and then we pissed of old people who just wanted to eat their lunch at Johnny’s.
Poking the Bear – Poking the Kaiju
Hey baby! In this episode Bowie is back from Japan, we try some Japanese snaks, and discuss Frozen 2 having a gay lead. So just a normal day!
Remember: Pateron.com/pokingthebear to support the show
Support Ryan by getting tickets to his standup competition final round at the Abby on April 12th!
Poking the Bear – The Orlando Indie Comedy Fest is Here!
Hey baby!
This weekend is the Orlando Indie Comedy Fest and you can get you passes at orlandoindiecomedy.com
Thats all we care about at the moment so come out and support some great local and nation talent. Plus Big Tim is hosting