Orlando’s inventory of rental housing accessible to low-income residents will increase this year with the completion of Village on Mercy, a new apartment community currently under construction that will bring 166 affordable apartment homes to the city’s Mercy Drive corridor. All of the apartments will be affordable, with income restrictions of 60 percent or less of the Area Median Income and 50 percent of the units will provide housing for formerly homeless individuals and families. Construction is expected to be completed by September.
Are you a fan of Mayor Buddy Dyer? Want to help him win re-election? Want to ask him why he didn’t shave his face when he read that Dr Suess book to children? Join him and his host committee for their official campaign kickoff tonight, Monday, March 25th 5:30 – 7:00 PM at The Abbey in downtown Orlando. RSVP at buddyfororlando.com.
The new Executive Director of the @IvanhoeVillage Main Street District was just announced. A 2-year committee member who later graduated to serve on the Board of Directors of Ivanhoe Village, Christian Switzer is a resident of Ivanhoe Village and Lake Formosa and runs the @ILoveIvanhoeVillage Instagram account. She starts the new job April 17th.
The Downtown Arts District celebrated the grand opening of the new home of CityArts at the newly re-named Rogers Kiene Building at 39 S Magnolia Avenue last week. CityArts will feature five galleries along with a café. The former owner of the building donated it to the City of Orlando with the one stipulation that for the next 20 years, it would be used for the arts. In June of last year, the City agreed to lease the newly named Rogers Kiene Building to the Downtown Arts District for the purpose of moving CityArts into the building. Its former location was on Orange Avenue next door to SAK Comedy Lab. Built in 1886, the Rogers Kiene Building was once home to the English Club, which sponsored dances, theatre, and other events. It was named an Orlando Historic Landmark in 1978 and was added to the National Register of Historic Places in 1983.
The Colonial Drive Overpass pedestrian and bike walkway is n ow open to the public! It crosses Colonial in downtown Orlando right next to I-4. This new nine million dollar quarter-mile bridge will help provide a safe connection from the business core to the North Quarter, providing critical links between the Orlando Urban Trail and Gertrude’s Walk, SunRail and LYNX Central Station.
The Downtown Orlando Partnership, alongside O rlando M ayor Buddy Dyer, announced the formation of the A vrio Foundation. Greek for “tomorrow”, the Avrio Foundation will leverage the passion and support of the business community to help shape the future of @dwntwn_orlando. The Foundation will work with the public and private sector to enhance the vibrancy of Downtown Orlando through beautification, activation, connectivity and placemaking efforts. It will bring together leaders, dreamers, creators, and community activators to amplify the vibrancy of Downtown. As of today I have not received my invitation to participate