Tim is just getting settled in his new bear cave.
He talks about his move.
Its Bowie’s birthday.
Ryan’s ADD gets the better of him.
By Chris
Tim is just getting settled in his new bear cave.
He talks about his move.
Its Bowie’s birthday.
Ryan’s ADD gets the better of him.
By Chris
I guess the best way to explain this episode is that Big Tim found out Pepsi was at one point the 6th largest navy in the world, and has decided he wants to command a soda navy and hilarity ensues.
Also we are going to CAKE FEST! So stay tuned for that as Big Tim scams a cake convention.
By Chris
Check out this week’s post-Hurricane edition of POKING THE BEAR!
By Chris
Hey baby! In this episode:
Tim talks mental health and about how he wants his news anchors well endowed.
Weather controlling devices.
Krispy Cream/Froggy Fresh.
Ryan doesn’t understand Wyoming.
Improv troop vs Connor McGreggor
A new pool party?
And Ryan ruins Sword Art Online for Bowie.